14 research outputs found

    Model TangselPay Receipts Using the UTAUT 2 Method

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    The South Tangerang City Government launched a digital financial service called TangselPay. This payment instrument will function as a means of paying levies and other transactions paid by taxpayers, TangselPay is basically a service from the South Tangerang City Government which is accessed via cellular phones (cell phones/smartphones) with the main aim of providing convenience to taxpayers in making levy payments. . . , so that taxpayers do not need to pay cash to the officer. This study aims to determine what factors influence people's interest in using TangselPay services in South Tangerang. The research model used is a modified model of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2). Data collection using purposive sampling method with the number of respondents in this study as many as 116 people in our market Pamulang. The data analysis technique in this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS version 3.3.3 software. The results of the analysis illustrate that the variables of Performance Expectations (PE) and Facilitation Condition (FC) have a positive effect on Use behavior and interest in use have a positive effect on usage behavior. While the variables of business expectations, social influence and hedonic motivation do not have a direct effect

    Segmentasi luka diabetes menggunakan algoritma contour image processing

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    Pengukuran luas luka pada penderita diabetes masih menggunakan cara manual dengan penggaris luka. Sedangkan penggaris yang ditempelkan keluka akan menjadi contaminated agent yang dapat menularkan infeksi pada penderita lain. Metode pengukuran digital diperlukan agar masalah tersebut bisa terselesaikan. Tetapi untuk memperjelas batas antara luka dan kulit diperlukan ketelitian dan akurasi yang tinggi. Untuk itu diperlukan metode pencitraan yang dapat melakukan segmentasi antara batas luka dan kulit paada pasien diabetes berbasis digital yang dinamakan digital planimetry. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma contour image processing dari nilai hue, saturation, value (HSV).  kemudian melakukan iterasi sebanyak 5 kali dan filter gamma. Sehingga mendapatkan hasil segmentasi luka. Kesimpulan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah segementasi dengan metode ini belum dapat melakukan segementasi luka dengan baik dan diperlukan tambahan nilai masking yang lebih luas, akan tetapi hasil iterasi ke 5 mendapatkan error terkecil yaitu 0.002%.  Pencitraan digital yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan untuk menjadi alat ukur luas luka pasien diabetes berbasis digital

    Word Analysis of Indonesian Keirsey Temperament

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    Personality uniquely relates to our feeling and pattern to the aspect of actions. This behavior will change through the experience, formal education, and the surrounding environment. This works based on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, a personality questionnaire developed by David Keirsey. This model divides the personality into four categories as Idealists, Rationals, Guardians, and Artisans. This concept is commonly recognized for the interpretation of specialist trends, potentially contributes to the process of recruitment or selection, and potential fields for analysis of social media data. Words selected by using Chi-Square with an error of 5%. Accuracy of the lexicon approach is 34%, while the best machine learning approach is Random Forest algorithm with 69.59

    Perbandingan Performansi Model pada Algoritma K-NN Terhadap Klasifikasi Berita Fakta Hoaks Tentang Covid-19

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    During Covid-19 pandemic, there was various hoax news about Covid-19. There are truth-clarification platforms for hoax news about Covid-19 such as Jala Hoax and Saber Hoax which categorize into misinformation and disinformation. Classification of supervised learning methods is applied to carry out learning from fact labels. Dataset is taken from Jala Hoax and Saber Hoax as many as 559 data which are made into Class 1 (Misleading Content, Satire/Parody, False Connection), Class 2 (False Context, Imposter Content), Class 3 (Fabricated and Manipulated Content). K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) is used to classify categories of misinformation and disinformation. Dissimilarity measure Jaccard Distance is compared with Euclidean, Manhattan, and Minkowski and uses k-value variance in the K-NN to determine the performance comparison results for each test. Results of Jaccard Distance at the value of k = 4 get a higher value than other model with an accuracy 0.696, precision 0.710, recall 0.572, and F1-Score. Maximum Results tend to be on the label of the most data class in Class 1 (Misleading Content, Satire or Parody, False Connection) with a total of 58 correct data from 61 test data.During Covid-19 pandemic, there was various hoax news about Covid-19. There are truth-clarification platforms for hoax news about Covid-19 such as Jala Hoax and Saber Hoax which categorize into misinformation and disinformation. Classification of supervised learning methods is applied to carry out learning from fact labels. Dataset is taken from Jala Hoax and Saber Hoax as many as 559 data which are made into Class 1 (Misleading Content, Satire/Parody, False Connection), Class 2 (False Context, Imposter Content), Class 3 (Fabricated and Manipulated Content). K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) is used to classify categories of misinformation and disinformation. Dissimilarity measure Jaccard Distance is compared with Euclidean, Manhattan, and Minkowski and uses k-value variance in the K-NN to determine the performance comparison results for each test. Results of Jaccard Distance at the value of k = 4 get a higher value than other model with an accuracy 0.696, precision 0.710, recall 0.572, and F1-Score. Maximum results tend to be on label of the most data class in Class 1 (Misleading Content, Satire or Parody, False Connection) with a total of 58 correct data from 61 test data


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    Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Karangtalun merupakan salah satu kawasan hutan mangrove yang berada di Kabupaten Cilacap dengan berbagai potensinya. Mangrove berfungsi sebagai penahan gelombang, daerah asuhan larva-larva biota laut, penyedia sumber nutrien bagi biota dan perangkap sedimen. Ikan gelodok merupakan salah satu jenis biota yang berasosiasi dengan kawasan ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan hubungan panjang-berat ikan gelodok yang ada di kawasan hutan mangrove Karangtalun, Cilacap. Sampel ikan gelodok diperoleh dari lokasi hutan mangrove dengan 3 stasiun dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Prosedur pengambilan sampel ikan gelodok adalah dengan menangkap langsung di kawasan hutan mangrove menggunakan alat tangkap jaring insang. Kemudian dilakukan identifikasi jenis serta pengukuran panjang total dan berat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lapangan jumlah ikan gelodok yang tertangkap adalah 162 ekor, dimana 120 ekor teridentifikasi sebagai Boleophthalmus boddarti, 30 ekor adalah Periophthalmodon schlosseri dan sisanya adalah Bolephthalmus pectinirostris. Hasil analisis pengukuran panjang-berat ikan gelodok dapat disimpulkan bahwa ikan gelodok yang ditemukan memiliki pola pertumbuhan alometrik negatif, yaitu pertumbuhan panjang ikan gelodok lebih cepat dari pada pertumbuhan berat. Nilai faktor kondisi ikan gelodok yang ditemukan selama penelitian adalah 1,010. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan gelodok termasuk golongan ikan yang kurang pipih/kurus.Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Karangtalun merupakan salah satu kawasan hutan mangrove yang berada di Kabupaten Cilacap dengan berbagai potensinya. Mangrove berfungsi sebagai penahan gelombang, daerah asuhan larva-larva biota laut, penyedia sumber nutrien bagi biota dan perangkap sedimen. Ikan gelodok merupakan salah satu jenis biota yang berasosiasi dengan kawasan ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan hubungan panjang-berat ikan gelodok yang ada di kawasan hutan mangrove Karangtalun, Cilacap. Sampel ikan gelodok diperoleh dari lokasi hutan mangrove dengan 3 stasiun dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Prosedur pengambilan sampel ikan gelodok adalah dengan menangkap langsung di kawasan hutan mangrove menggunakan alat tangkap jaring insang. Kemudian dilakukan identifikasi jenis serta pengukuran panjang total dan berat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lapangan jumlah ikan gelodok yang tertangkap adalah 162 ekor, dimana 120 ekor teridentifikasi sebagai Boleophthalmus boddarti, 30 ekor adalah Periophthalmodon schlosseri dan sisanya adalah Bolephthalmus pectinirostris. Hasil analisis pengukuran panjang-berat ikan gelodok dapat disimpulkan bahwa ikan gelodok yang ditemukan memiliki pola pertumbuhan alometrik negatif, yaitu pertumbuhan panjang ikan gelodok lebih cepat dari pada pertumbuhan berat. Nilai faktor kondisi ikan gelodok yang ditemukan selama penelitian adalah 1,010. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan gelodok termasuk golongan ikan yang kurang pipih/kurus

    Modifikasi Fonem Vokal Pada Stemming Kata Tidak Baku

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    Bahasa Indonesia termasuk bahasa yang paling populer digunakan di dunia. Bahasa Indonesia dapat berupa bahasa baku dan tidak baku. Bahasa tidak baku dapat dikarenakan oleh penyerapan dari bahasa asing atau bahasa daerah. Penyerapan ini dapat terjadi perganti huruf vokal. Kontribusi pada penelitian ini adalah melakukan modifikasi fonem pada huruf vokal untuk mengembalikan kata tidak baku ke dalam bentuk kata dasar yang baku disebut sebagai Modified Vocal Phonemes Non Formal. Percobaan dilakukan dengan 60 kata tidak baku yang sudah dilakukan preprocessing pada penelitian sebelumnya terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini membandingkan hasil algoritma dengan algoritma pada penelitian sebelumnya. Algoritma Modified Vocal Phonemes Non Formal telah berhasil melakukan stemming dengan presisi 90.00% dengan 54 kata tidak baku yang sukses dikonversi ke kata dasar sesuai dengan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) dan 6 kata masih belum berhasil dikonversi. AbstractIndonesian is one of the most popular languages spoken in the world. Indonesian can be standard and non-standard language. Non-standard language can be caused by absorption of foreign languages or village languages. This absorption can occur as a substitute for vowels. The contribution to this research is to modify the phonemes of vowels to return non-formal words into formal root forms known as Modified Vocal Phonemes in Non-Formal. The experiment was carried out with 60 non-formal words that have been preprocessed in the previous research. This research will compare the results of the algorithm with the algorithm in previous research. Algorithm Modified Vocal Phenomes Non-Formal has succeeded in performing stemming with 90.0% precision with 54 words that were successfully converted to base words according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary and 6 words were still not converted

    Decision Support System Design Structural Promotion Civil Apparatus Using AHP and TOPSIS Methods

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    The quality of the performance of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is a very important resource to be able to determine the capacity of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD). One of the efforts to improve the quality of OPD performance is the promotion of positions. Promotion of an award given for work performance and dedication of a civil servant, as well as being excited to improve work performance and loyalty. Therefore, it is necessary to determine a promotion. The weighting method in this study uses the Analytical Hirarchy Process. This study also compares this method with the Technique for Ordering Preference based on Similarities with Ideal Solutions. The resulting criteria are formal and informal. Consists of formal sub-criteria consisting of formal education, position experience, class rank, technical competence, managerial competence and socio-cultural competence. Then for the informal sub-criteria consisting of discipline, innovation, creativity, ideas for institutional functions, the ability to collaborate and work in teams, loyalty, responsibility, leadership, ability to communicate well and recommendations at the provincial and / or ministerial level. Furthermore, calculations are carried out using the AHP and TOPSIS methods for data for 2018 which means 1 position, in 2019 means 2 positions, and in 2020 means 4 positions. In one position consists of 3 ASN alternatives. After comparing the accuracy level of the AHP and TOPSIS methods with experts, the results of the AHP method are better in making recommendations for structural promotion of echelon IV ASN by producing a perfect score of 100% and a TOPSIS value of 71.4%

    Distributed Denial Of Service (DDOS) Attack Detection On Zigbee Protocol Using Naive Bayes Algoritm

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    Distributed Denial of Service or better known as DDoS is an attempted attack from several computer systems that target a server so that the amount of traffic becomes too high so that the server cannot handle the request. DDoS is usually done by using several computer systems that are used as sources of attacks. So they attack one server through several computers so that the amount of traffic can also be higher. A DDoS attack is like a traffic jam that prevents a driver from reaching their desired destination on time. According to data, 33% of businesses in the world have fallen victim to DDoS attacks. DDoS is hard to trace. Some types of DDoS attacks can be very powerful and even reach speeds of 1.35 Tbps. Additionally, DDoS attacks can cause losses of $ 40,000 per hour if they occur. ZigBee is a standard from IEEE 802.15.4 for data communication on personal consumer devices as well as for business scale. ZigBee is designed with low power consumption and works for low level personal networks. ZigBee devices are commonly used to control another device or as a wireless sensor. ZigBee has a feature which is able to manage its own network, or manage data exchange on the network [1]. Another advantage of ZigBee is that it requires low power, so it can be used as a wireless control device which only needs to be installed once, because only one battery can make ZigBee last up to a year. In addition, ZigBee also has a "mesh" network topology so that it can form a wider network and more reliable data. In the previous research of Muhammad Aziz, Rusydi Umar, Faizin Ridho (2019) based on the results of the analysis carried out that the attack information that has been detected by the IDS based on signatures needs to be reviewed for accuracy using classification with statistical calculations. Based on the analysis and testing carried out with the artificial neural network method, it was found that the accuracy was 95.2381%. The neural network method can be applied in the field of network forensics in determining accurate results and helping to strengthen evidence at trial. The Naïve Bayes model performed relatively poor overall and produced the lowest accuracy score of this study (45%) when trained with the CICDDoS2019 dataset [47]. For the same model, precision was 66% and recall was 54%, meaning that almost half the time, the model misses to identify threats.

    Assessing Impact Of Triple Helix Variables To Knowledge Transfer Variable And Innovation Systems

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the triple helix (TH) variable in knowledge transfer and innovation systems. TH is divided into 3 variables, namely Industry, University and Government. This study examined three TH knowledge transfer variables and innovation systems and the items variables that supported them. This study involved 360 respondents who were selected through an interception and online survey approach and had 4 hypotheses.This study used a structural equation model to test the hypothesis. The findings showed that TH which consisted of 3 variables had a direct relationship with knowledge transfer.Meanwhile, knowledge transfer was directly related to innovation systems. Although the TH concept had been explored in some previous literature, the role of TH and knowledge transfer had not been the concern of many researchers in creating innovation systems. Implications for practitioners, these findings confirmed that Innovation systems can be formed from an early age starting from the university environment and good government policies. These findings also indicated that knowledge transfer related to TH services needed to be studied from a broader perspective. Therefore, handling TH required synergy and a special strategy to take advantage of knowledge transfer in order to create an innovation system. Originality of this study, integrated the TH dimension with knowledge transfer and Innovation Systems

    Diabetic Wound Segmentation Using Masking Contour Image Processing

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    Measuring the wound area in diabetics is still using a manual way with a wound ruler. Whereas the ruler affixed to the wound will become a contaminated agent that can transmit the infection to other recipients. Digital measurement methods are needed to solve the problem. However, clarifying the boundaries between the wound and the skin requires carefulness and high accuracy. For this reason, it has needed an imaging method that can do segmentation between the wound and the skin boundary for diabetic patients based on digital, called digital planimetry. This study uses a masking contour image processing algorithm from the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV), Then doing iteration five times and gamma filter. So the result of segmentation is formed. This study concludes that the segmentation with this method has not been able to perform the segment properly, and it requires more masking values, but the results of the 5th iteration got a minor error, which is 0.002%. The digital imaging carried out in this study could be developed to be a digital-based diabetic patient wound measurement tool